The Laundry Alternative Wonderwash Retro Colors Non-electric Portable Compact Mini Washing Machine (Blue)

The Laundry Alternative Wonderwash Retro Colors Non-electric Portable Compact Mini Washing Machine (Blue)

The Laundry Alternative Wonderwash Retro Colors Non-electric Portable Compact Mini Washing Machine (Blue)

Holy wonderful washing unit! I really cannot tell you how impressed I am, but I am sure going to try.

I've had the Wonderwash for about a week now and I've done laundry every other day. It's so quick and easy that I start it while waiting for my coffee to brew, let it drain while I make breakfast, do a rinse run while my eggs finish cooking, plate up my food while it drains, rinse one more time, and eat my meal while it drains the final time. It doesn't even need that final rinse, I'm just picky.

It is absolutely perfect for my scrubs. I can wash and hang a couple of uniforms every couple of days and never run out again. No more waiting for the laundry room in my apartment to have a free machine.

I've converted a closet into a make shift drying area with dollarstore plastic drop cloth, clothesline, and clothespins.

This machine has successfully washed scrubs, delicate, jeans, workout clothes, towels, sheets, and tonight I ran my tennis shoes through it! The absolute success of it, across the board, has me writing this review while it drains.

The machine is almost entirely plastic so it is super light weight. It snaps together easily for use. It uses very little water and detergent. Best of all, it really cleans.

When not in use, I wipe the drum dry and stash it in the same closet I use to hang clothes. This is a must have for travel nurses. No more hunting for open laundromats at 2am, or checking the facilities machines every hour hoping to get some laundry done.

I see this being great for camping too. I can't wait to take it on a trip. For now, it certainly sees enough use. Love love love this.

TIPS AND TRICKS (Because I can find a dozen reviews and very little advice)

°Add water and soap before clothes.
Keep a hand towel nearby for inevitable dribbles.

°If using hot water, pressure builds up (that's a feature, not a bug!) and sometimes the lid will start to leak. After a few turns, release the lid, lock it back down, and keep going. You may have to do this a couple times based upon how hot the water is.

°This is where that hand towel comes in. Give the drum a quick wipe to reduce splatter.

°Use a permanent marker to indicate the grooves on the drainage tube (see picture). This saves you the messy fumble of trying to line it up while water leaks everywhere.

°Use less water to rinse than you did to wash. The clothes are already wet, and too much water causes the unit to wobble and thud loudly when it is turned. I have found that my rinse cycles take about half the water of my wash cycle.

°Wash with hot and rinse with cold to save the "lid dribbles" when you don't need them!
I rinse twice. After my wash, I add a spoonful of fabric softener to the first rinse, and plain water to my second. My clothes smell fantastic.

°If you are line or coat-hanger-drying indoors, set up a fan to decrease your drying time exponentially. Also, it makes the whole room smell like clean laundry which is awesome!

°Worried you're not rinsing out all the soap? With dry hands, rub your washed clothes between your fingers and then rub your fingers together. If they feel slippery rather than just wet, rinse again. And stop using so much soap, jeez.

Hope that helps.

Both the good and bad reviews of this little washer are correct. It depends on how you use it.

If you spin it slowly so the clothes drop from top to bottom each revolution, the clothes are slammed down through the hot soapy water 60 times per minute. So two minutes of cranking slams them through the water 120 times and they come out sparkling clean.

If you spin it faster, centrifugal force keeps the clothes at one end of the washer, and you end up with wet, dirty clothes.

I love mine!

Living in an apartment without access to laundry facilities (except the laundromat, of course) kinda sucks. I would throw this sucker in my tub and do my laundry there. Some people complain about leaks when you insert the drain tube; put it in the tub--then you don't care. I used this guy for around a year before I moved. Just hang your stuff from your shower curtain rod and you're golden. It's a huge time saver and I loved being able to do laundry when I had time (like at midnight) and not just when the laundromat was open.

People ask, "does it get your clothes clean, though?" Weirdly, it does. I always used cold water because I just prefer cold water for washing clothes. I never had any issues with getting stuff clean.

The next question they always ask is, "ok, but how much stuff can you actually put in there?" A LOT, actually. Think of a regular-sized washing machine. It's about half of that capacity. I could put any one of the following in the machine as a full load:
* 4-5 pair of jeans
* 7-8 regular-weight tops (not like sweaters)
* a week of socks, bras, and underwear
* 10 pair of PJs

I'm a plus-sized woman, so it's not like the clothes are Tinkerbell-sized.

I used the machine with and without the spin dryer that LA also sells. You can totally use this machine without the dryer. If you're on the fence, just buy the washer and think about it for a while. But I'll tell you this: if you get both, you won't regret it. Get the pink Ninja one and you will be happy, happy, happy.

I purchased this washer because I have grown tired of doing laundry in the coin washers in our building because they did a poor job of cleaning my clothes and the Wonder Wash has been wonderful. With two of us in the household we find that doing a load in the Wonder Wash every evening allows us to keep up with laundry. Some complain that this washer doesn't get odors out, but I have not had that problem. This may be because I use about 2 tablespoons of white vinegar in the wash, crank about 20 times, soak maybe 5 minutes, crank another 20 times and drain, then rinse once with clear water with about 20 cranks, them rinse again with 2 more tablespoons of white vinegar added to the second rinse because it does a nice job as a natural fabric softener. I squeeze as much water out of each item as possible and then lay the items out on a towel and roll the towel up. With this technique our clothes smell perfectly fresh and dry on the line overnight. I highly recommend this washer. I think the vinegar and the soak are key.

I recently traveled to Uganda (East African country) in October 2013. I had purchased this machine years ago for my own use and loved it. So I took it to a friend of mine who is a missionary in Africa for her to use. We both work as volunteers for a health care organization called Kissito works with villagers in Africa to bring health and maternity care to villagers. So we demonstrated the washer to them after learning that the girls in African families must do all the family laundry each day before going to school. If they don't finish the laundry, they must miss school. Hoping to show the families something that could help them do their laundry well, and do it quickly, we took the machine into the villages. This video clip is one of a local villager who transports patients to the local health clinic demonstrating the machine to a group, including teasing a boy who is trying to turn the handle. This is the machine in action!

What I love about this machine is it is pretty sturdy, since it withstood a year of my daily use, plus it survived 500 African villagers cranking on it all in ONE day!

If you thought red Georgia clay was hard to get out of clothes, you haven't been to Uganda, east Africa. These villages have no electricity, no paved roads, lots of kids (average family has 7 children) and lots of dirty clothes. Families there LIVE in dirt huts, farm, play, work and have the dirtiest clothes imaginable, yet the WonderWash got load after load of clay and dirt soiled clothing CLEAN! The villagers were amazed, as was I.

I mean after all, my gym stains and smelly, lightly dirty clothes I expected to get clean, but the grime and dirt that rinsed out of the WonderWash when put to a REAL test was stunning. It was SO effective our organization is trying to find a way to get MORE machines to Africa. Why? Because the girls in each family are tasked with washing the family's clothes every morning before leaving for school. If they don't finish the laundry, they must MISS school to do so. WonderWash could CHANGE the world simply by providing the ability to wash clothes fast enough that these girls can do the laundry and get to school on time.

It's lightweight, yet sturdy. I mean, after all it stood up to the rigors of a hike and trip in the back of an SUV on really rocky, difficult roads to get to an African village! It traveled TO Africa in a plastic tub packed with medical supplies, and survived the airline's handling without a crack or scratch!

It is easy to assemble.

It's durable. More than 500 villagers each had a chance to crank on the handle over the period of ONE DAY as we moved into three separate villages and demonstrated the machine with clothes the villagers brought to us. Kids, men and women of all ages and strengths gave it their best and it kept on working!

It cleans! At one village we received a pair of pants a toddler had soiled himself in, a bloody towel from a health clinic, a pair of men's pants used by a man herding cattle and soiled with manure, and several very delicate, beautiful and colorful women's dresses, plus a large scarf. We washed them ALL in one load and they ALL came out CLEAN! Plus, they smelled GREAT!

I can't say enough GOOD about this machine. I used it in the USA for a year until I got a car and could go to the laundromat where there was also a dryer. The only thing NOT to like about this washing machine is you do have to wring the clothes out and hang them up to dry...not a big deal. It works and for the price there's nothing better! I love it!

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Feature Product

  • Non-electric, Hand-crank unit washes a 5-lb. load super clean in just a couple of minutes.
  • New patent-pending E-Z lid lever much easier to use than older lid screw design.
  • Perfect for apartments, singles, boats, RV's and even small frequent loads like hand washables and diapers.
  • Is ideal for delicates such as woolens, silks, knitted dresses and cashmere garments.
  • Uses far less water than even hand washing and no electricity. 3-year warranty. Handle insert won't fall out in 1-2 years like other models.


If you're looking for a highly portable, hand operated washing machine that's economical, compact and leaves your clothes sparkling clean, Then the amazing WonderWash is just what you need. Weighing in at under 6 lbs., pound for pound this hand crank washing machine has a much larger capacity than anything else on the market, when you consider electric washers can weigh up to 50 lbs. and take up much more space. A hand-powered, portable washer that can clean your clothes in a flash, the WonderWash is the next generation in green, cleaner laundry alternatives. And thanks to its compact design, it's an ideal laundry solution for apartments, campers, single people, RV's, mobile homes, cabins, and anyone who frequently washes small loads. The WonderWash's design means it's much gentler on clothes, and unlike some electric mini washers, does not have an agitator that can snag, tear and rip your clothes. As a result your favorite wardrobe items will retain their look and feel - and last you longer. Cleans laundry in 1 to 2 minutes, fully portable, no hookup required gentler on clothes, ideal for delicates. Brand new, patent-pending lid snaps on and off in one motion. Improved drain spout from the original model, no leaking when installing and removing. With no motor or internal moving parts, The WonderWash is built to last much longer than electric washing machines that are developed for markets with extreme price competition and low labor costs. Plus, over the years we have introduced a range of functional and mechanical improvements to maximize the machine's life cycle. This new and improved design of our classic Wonderwash is now available in four fun retro colors.

This is definitely a great product. Our washing machine broke a couple of weeks ago and flooded our basement. With all the damage and us now needing the replace our washing machine, the cost to do everything is astronomical and not very doable being that we had to use a laundromat in the meantime. I did some research and came across this. I'm so glad I bought it. It does laundry faster than a real washing machine. It also uses less water and the clothes come out cleaner. This is definitely meant for emerencies, small living spaces or anyone who wants to save some money. I took a before and after pictureto show exactly what I mean about how clean It makes my clothes. Only thing it doesn't do is extract the water from the clothes. There are machines you can buy to do JUST that but, between me and my boyfriend we ring the clothes out pretty well and the ones we can't (like sheets) we do the best we can and then hang dry them for a couple hours before putting them into our dryer.

Love this thing so much, I ordered a second one. Should help my family of 5 save tons of money to fix our damage to our home. Not to mention it's less on our environment. Every little bit helps.

We use this product on a daily basis along with another Laundry Alternative product the Nina Spin Dryer. Both products work great and seamlessly together. Tips when using the Wonderwash is to use 2 tbsp of Tide powder and 1 tbsp of Oxi Clean per full load along with to pitchers full of HOT water this machine works via steam pressure. We spin the washer several times, wait thirty minutes to soak, spin again several times, empty and repeat twice with detergent once without. Our clothes are very clean everything from my husband's work pants to dirty cloth diapers. This is so much easier for me as a pregnant woman than the ole plunger bucket method and it is much more effective in cleaning our clothes thoroughly. One full load is roughly 3 towels, 2 men's pants, and 4 shirts.

I love this washer! My boyfriend and I have been living on our beautiful boat for the past year, it has given us great joy to live a life of such peace and relaxation!!! The only convenience I have missed on this boat is having a washer and dryer. We have been hauling our clothes every week to the laundromat around the corner from our marina - which isn't awful, but rather a larger activity than it could be. So to I recently started searching for alternatives that would be feasible on a boat, meaning it can't take up large space and be very heavy for weight distribution. This more than fits the bill! For $40 this washer has already paid for itself in a month! Now I wash everything but the bedding and towels, those I still take to the laundromat, but now only twice a month and spend 1/3 the amount I would be otherwise. Water is included in our slip fee, so I utilize what we already have. I also invested in a garment rack to hang dry the clothes on our back deck and have figured out how to really wring out all that water to have clothes dried within a day or two (with the cold winter and rain it generally takes a day longer, but on a sunny warm day it goes very quick!)
With limited counter space, it fits perfectly next to the sink. I fill up with water about half way with a tablespoon of detergent and can get so much washed and hung in the time it would other wise take me to pack up, haul over, load and unload - it's very convenient for me! I generally spin it for 1-2 minutes then let clothes sit for 5 minutes and spin again for another 5 minutes before rinsing and I typically rinse everything twice to get clean.
If you live in a small space, looking to conserve money, want to be in better control of the chemicals your clothes are in contact with, etc this is definitely a great option! Even though it is plastic, it's actually sturdy and we'll designed - if we had more space I would build a place to permanently mount it like other reviews had done. Works on tough and gentle clothes. For my delicates that don't take up much space but need a good tumble, I pop in a wash ball to help shake it up and get it even more clean.
Overall I am very happy with this purchase - it saves me money, time and worry about other dtergents used at the laundromat!!!

Stains are fading! I've been using it for approximately 1 month now and I've noticed the stains in my dish cloths and cloth napkins are fading away! My clothes seemed to be looking better but I thought it was my imagination, until I noticed & watched those specific stains. I guess it's the smaller loads or something? Whatever! It works better than the standard washer I was using... And it's Eco-friendly! Win-win!
If you were wondering about ease of use... Be sure to measure the water, per the instructions, and away you go. I do switch arms to keep the workout balanced... Generally, 2-3 loads each day I do laundry; alternating arms by day, not load. Once you get it going it's 100% aerobic...but EASY! The water gets flowing & it is almost self-propelled; if you feel like you are struggling you have too much water or clothing... Or you didn't get it going fast enough, crank faster. Once you get the speed right, the water seems to do most of the work. Just remember not to smash the clothes in too tight and you should be fine. [When you drain the water, if the clothes fill more than half of the washer... you got too many clothes in there!]
As for drying, I use the Nina Spin Dryer - also from The Laundry Alternative. They are a perfect match. By the time I finish another load in the Wonder Washer, letting it drain for a while between "cycles", the prior load is almost done hang drying. I let the rinse drain until the first load dries, then I spin dry and hang. It makes the process almost relaxing. A friend stopped by while I was washing & was amazed that things hang dry as fast as his big electric dryer can dry things. He was also amazed at how much fit inside the washer...looks can deceive.

Now that I have used the washer for a year, let me just say that my clothes like the gentle treatment! Stains don't last, fabrics have smoothed out, and the things I have purchased since buying it still look like new... it's like a front-load washer only MORE gentle!
I see that they have updated the lid, which I think is a great idea. The first time my daughter used mine she didn't get it closed all the way cuz my old style lid requires many turns to tighten/seal it... she spilled water everywhere. But just once!
I have oiled it once but it is squeaking here & there so I will probably have to oil it again soon... making oiling necessary about twice a year. I haven't had to replace any parts but they are all available from The Laundry Alternative. It was super easy to put together [when it arrived] and replacing parts that break instead of buying an entire washer is another bonus.
I have to admit, I do 3 cycles most of the time. I do the detergent cycle, a white vinegar cycle, and end with a softener cycle. I crank each cycle for the 2 minutes they recommend for washing. I count 120 cranks; as the cranks take about 1 second each. That's 6 minutes of cranking per load. [Super dirty stuff gets extra rinse water thrown in WHILE DRAINING & comes out clean.] I also alternate forward & backward cranking, not just left & right arms, & my arms look GREAT! Just thought I would throw that in.
I should add that I am enjoying the exercise factor. It has gotten so easy to crank that I love doing laundry! I also find that the rest of my body benefits from the isometric exercise; holding the rest of my body still while cranking has toned me from head to toe...And my clothes look great on my toned self; more bonuses!!!
One year later, still cranking & loving it!!! ^_^

I had to overcome my skepticism over how this machine works but I did a lot of research before making this purchase so no surprises. Watch the utube videos!!! They convinced me! It truly works for me and it's amazing how clean my clothes came out with just one half to one tablespoon of Method detergent for dirty clothes. The size is perfect for me and I love that it's non electric. The design issues of the drain spout need to be improved upon. Yes it leaks when you push the spout in or remove it. The new cover with release works just fine with no leakage. I did a load on countertop with dish towel under unit. Not hard to turn this unit at all and I'm 65 years old! Next load this will just be put inside my shower stall to drain there and run down my gray water drain system. Why dirty one more article of clothing?!?? That's just making work. I purchased a manual over the electric mini washers because the electric machines had drainage issues also but for a lot more money. I wanted as few parts to potentially break as possible. I did splurge on the laundry alternative mega 22 lb load spin dryer and that's also a winner. This setup will save me over $1000.00 a year in laundromat fees! That doesn't include time and expense of driving 10 miles to closest laundromat!

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