Eyes aren't as good as they once were. Counting off ticks on a tape measure is a pain. Recounting for accurate measure made for frustration! Enter this neat little gadget. Frustration free for the simple do it yourselfer or a honey-do list (the life or death task of hanging that curtain rod just right).
For my wood shop projects it has been a joy. Good accuracy, fast, and consistent. No more turning that musical jewelry box into a singing ashtray for mom on Mother's Day. Large enough display to read easy - will display total inches, feet and inches, or metric. Auto-adjust button for front or back (tape case) measurement.
Just the typical "it ain't exactly the way I want it". Display on the side would've been nice. Kind of a pain lining things up on the side and have to lean over the top to read. No tears, there. Wouldn't mind a better tape "stop and hold" button in the tape. Little buttons on top vs. big fingers - not a show stopper.
In the hands of a trained craftsman this would be excellent! Bought a second one for the wife. She just hands it to me on Saturdays and puts me and it too work. That one won't leave the house. My plan backfired.
I literally have a stack of tape measures, every time i go to the hardware store i check them out for something new.
After i had a weekend of family and friends over to help with my fence / deck they kept having trouble reading my tape measures. Granted, most of them don't use tape measure that often so i knew they were going to have a little trouble. After hearing them complain about reading the 1/16 and 1/8 marks i started looking for an easy read tape measure.
I came across this digital tape measure, and it looked really cool. It is very accurate, switches easily between units of measure Inch / foot / metric.
You can find the center of anything lightning fast with no brain power used.
Love the inside / outside feature. Normally you use the tape measure lip as the spot to measure too. I had a bunch of areas that the angle changed so i needed a really good measure for inside to inside. You change it to inside measure and i got perfect cuts every time.
Another neat feature, after you measure so far out you can reset to zero and keep measuring out. Very handy for multi run dimensions.
The hold feature is very handy so you can measure blindly press the hold button and get a great measure, without straining your neck to read it in odd places.
Can save the last 2 measurements for reference, that feature is great because you should always measure twice cut once. Being able to save the measurement ensures a more accurate cut, that you can go back to after getting sidetracked lol
Don't think its heavy duty or ready for a construction site, but it's awesome for home use and moderate work.
This tape measure is very practical.
I have owned one for 6 months. Unfortunately it got stolen.
The tape have some neat features that will make measuring a breeze. The top display is crisp and accurate, it also have good viewing outside on bright sunny days. The top also features the memory buttons. There are 2. You can measure and store two different measurements and recall them at any time. You can also record over, or simply delete. On one side there's a handy pocket clip and on the other there are the buttons that do all the magic.
The hold button will hold the measurement in question and the display will blink. Once you've written down or cut the material, by holding the hold button you can reset the tape measure.
The middle button let's you find the halfway point of your measurement. So if you measure 4in it'll half to 2 in. It also will work with fractions. Say you have 7 1/8 in. It'll find the middle of it.
The measuring set button will allow you to set what system you want to measure. Metric or inches. Shows feet and inches also.
The start point button will let you measure from the front of the tape, like normal, or the arrow pointing back will start the measurement from the back of the tape. This is good to measure inside corners from a window, for instance. Look for the arrow on the bottom of he display.
The tape measure is very accurate. I found that sometimes I had to remove and reinstall the battery for it to reset to start measuring from the 1/16"th mark. Otherwise it would start from. The 1/4" mark.
If you want to simplify your life get this tape.
I am buying a new one to replace the one stolen.
Like other reviews had mentioned, you may have to baby this tape a little more than a regular tape measure. But I found no problem when I dropped mine. And I have done so a few times. Only a few scratches. Still worked great!!!
Would recommend this tape measure!!
We sell cardboard mats that you put photos in in our photography studio. We use a measuring tape to count inventory for those suckers. Turns out most of my staff doesn't know how to read a ruler. So, instead of taking it upon myself to teach them (which maybe I should have done but I didn't think was my responsibility), I bought this instead. It definitely helps! My only issue is I wish the decimal place was two places instead of one. Otherwise it's nice that things like this exist to make up for education system!
I just got my eTape16, so far so good. For what I can see, this tape measure is not the type you will through in your toolbox without looking where the tape will go, and I will not do that. But how can you do that? For sure the display will crack, scratch, break, who knows. It looks kind of fragile. I am not sure how long the electro-mechanical system will last, time will tell. Of course, the tape is very easy to use, no question about that, very accurate. This is no the tape you will take to work in your roof nor in a dusty, oily, dirty environment. In my opinion this tape is for a delicate jobs where precision is required. It will not go to my garage toolbox, I will keep it in my computer desk. Will report more later...
UPDATE: An owner of the etape posted a picture saying his/her is not printed in inches and centimeters, mine is printed beautifully in both.

Feature Product
- The original digital tape measure, Measuring made easy the digital way
- Rugged, durable, weather resistant, made of poly carbonate plastic. Large digital display
- 3 Memory functions: short term measurement hold. 2 long term memories
- US/Metric Conversion. Re-zero option
- Centerline calculation. Inside/Outside measurement
The tape measure has remained virtually unchanged for over 100 years until now. The eTape16 digital tape measure revolutionizes not only the tape measure but also expands its utility as never before envisioned. The large digital display provides easy reading while the advance features are readily accessible. These features include 3 memories, US or metric units, centerline calculation, re-zero and Inside/Outside measurements. In addition to its advanced features, the eTape16 incorporates a sleek modern design. Made of poly carbonate plastic, the eTape16 is made to last in the most rugged of environments.
I am an engineer so I tend to be highly analytical while having an above average attention to detail. I do like this tape and it is the first time I have decided to switch from a standard old school rule. It will be extremely helpful to me because while I am working on projects my attention floats around in a creative cloud which means I often find myself remeasuring, recutting and making calculations on the fly that I often forget after looking for the saw, the safety glasses and etc. Having 2 built in memory options (it says three on the package I have but there are only 2 buttons, the other storage of the third memory would be your third measurement when you press the hold button).
Comes reading to go and includes 2032 Battery
3 memory Storages
The tape I got does in fact have CM and Inches marked on it plus digital display
Automatic shutoff after 3 minutes or so
Midpoint calculation with press of a button
Both inside and outside measurements (i.e. include length of tape dispenser at 3")
I have a solid feeling that the first time I drop this on the concrete it will be a standard dumb measure.
I would have been willing to pay much more to have a durable, droppable device. This is not it.
On mine, the second memory button requires pressing in just the right place and multiple times to switch to M2
Tape Lock is a bit stiff, requires a strong hand, a younger or older adult/child would have a bit of trouble
For the price and for my first electronic tape, I like it. But I have a feeling that I will be searching for a more durable solution after I drop this or leave it in a hot garage too long. I plan to store it inside because I am sure they did not put this through environmental tests other than ones needed by FCC.
I gave this product four (4) stars (yeah yeah, I know, there's only 3 kinds of people in this world, those who can count and those who can't but allow me to explain) because it's marketed as "measuring is made more simple, reliable and accurate." But as mentioned in many of the reviews, the digital reading is definitely inaccurate by 1/16 of an inch. Not good for tackling projects that call for precision measurements such as finish carpentry where a 32nd of an inch really matters. Excellent for tasks that do not require precision measurements such as rough carpentry, drywall, plumbing, electrical or simply hanging a picture. Three major features I so love about this little device are the memory, the center line, and using the back of the tape to obtain a measurement up to the corner of a wall. Simply put, AWESOME! And so, I am compelled to give this product an extra star because it impressed me that it still works after dropping it in a bucket of water not once but twice in different occasions. I highly recommend this product and will definitely purchase a few of 'em to give as birthday and X-mas gifts to my family and friends who work in the constructions industry.
This digital tape measure is pretty solid, for a professional like myself I wasn’t sure if it would perform accurately but to my surprise it did the job. I was especially fond of the different features and flexibility. Take a look at some of my photos.
My (now former) BF spent like a half hour discovering all of the cool stuff about this thing. It was his favorite Valentines gift lol. Also now he will maybe leave my tape measure alone :) Worth the price! Too bad he took the thing when we broke up lol!
UPDATE: Amazon has updated the purchase options (Two models: ft/in only or dual-marked tape with cm/mm on side of tape opposite the inches markings). I purchased (and returned) TWO of these tapes before Amazon offered the purchase choice since the previous product photos showed the ft/in & cm/mm marked tapes which I thought that I was purchasing (unlike the ft/in ---ONLY--- model that was shipped). Now that I can purchase and have received a metric-marked (cm/mm) model, my two-star rating bumps up to four stars. A straight cm/mm marked tape would be ideal (since the dual-marked tape has you reading 'inch' measurements off of one side of the tape when you want a cm/mm measurement. With a cm/mm (both sides of the slide-out blade) marking, you don't have parallax errors when you're able to put either side of the tape precisely against the edge of whatever you're measuring. (I have a number of cm/mm ---Only--- tapes which promote accurate measurements on either side of the pull-out blade). The digital functions are a major advance in tape measures and, here again, it's just shy of five-stars since the XY.z cm reading on the digital display can be off by 2.5 mm (the "+-.1" claimed accuracy). Re-zeroing the tape (simple button-push procedure) can result in measurements that are often 'spot-on' and more generally fall close to 1 mm accuracy which exceeds the product 'spec.'. Having the cm/mm markings on the tape allows you to know when the digital display of "XY.z cm" is off and a quick re-zero step is in order.
The first order of this item differed from the product description. (See photo). It goes back to Amazon. The inches/feet (only) model that was received differed from the item that was purchased (dual markings on tape: in/ft opposite mm/cm). One should not need to have a battery in a tape measure in order to read measurements in metric units and the model that is pictured in the Amazon description can display metric measurements directly off of the extended tape. 'Will re-evaluate the product when the replacement order arrives (hopefully as described, having metric units on the extendable tape). Repeat inquiries to the email link on the manufacturer/distributor's website sought information as to what model number must be specified in order to obtain the mm/cm-marked tape. There has been no response from the mfr/dist'r, leaving it to Amazon's generous return policy to keep re-ordering until the correct model is received.

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