Petit Collage Floor Puzzle, Dinosaur Kingdom, 24 Pieces

Petit Collage Floor Puzzle, Dinosaur Kingdom, 24 Pieces

Petit Collage Floor Puzzle, Dinosaur Kingdom, 24 Pieces

For full disclosure, we own SIX of these 24-piece jigsaw floor puzzles by Petit Collage. They are well made, high quality, great large size pieces, and are perfect as floor puzzles. We use them with toddlers and pre-schoolers but could probably be used through first grade if desired. The pieces are cardboard and paper so they are not meant to get wet, be chewed upon, etc. Only use the puzzles with kids who have clean, dry hands and don't put the pieces in their mouths.

Overall, I suggest that toddlers start with Petit Collage's beginner puzzles then work up / scaffold up to these 24-piece floor puzzles. The best 24-piece floor puzzle to start with is Our World (see reasoning at end of review).

Use: With younger kids or students with learning delays, I start with separating the edge pieces from the internal pieces. I then have the child work on putting the edges together, focusing on colors or objects that would be in common. Grouping similar colors or objects together usually enables a faster matching process. Then I give the child the inside puzzle pieces to finish the puzzle. They can be matched to the edge-piece frame by looking again for similar colors and objects. I often have to remind kids that objects should be upright not upside down. Once a child has mastered this two-step process (edges then internal), its time to let the child separate the edge pieces for themselves to complete the puzzle. At first the parent or teacher may need to be present to remind that edge pieces have 1-2 flat sides and correcting as needed. The parent/teacher may also need to remind the child to make the edge frame first then do the internal pieces. Once a child has mastered completing a puzzle from start to finish with your monitoring, it is time to let them do the puzzle on their own. The child may go against the edge then internal structure, but that is ok as long as the puzzle is getting done (I mean there is more than one way to do a jigsaw puzzle right). BTW - older children or extremely able children, they will not need this degree of scaffolding - you probably could just hand them the box and let them figure it out through problem solving. The very young or challenged may not have the problem solving skills yet to tackle a puzzle on their own - so you need to teach them HOW to problem solve and useful strategies before they can do it on their own.

The six puzzles we own are: Construction Site, Our World, USA map, Wild Rainforest, Enchanted Forest, and Farm. Here are some specs on each of them.

1. Our World floor puzzle is color coded by continent, which divides the puzzle into separate color areas. This makes it much easier for three year olds to place the jigsaw pieces. The puzzle also enforces learning of the continents, though Greenland being a different color than the rest of North America might confuse some kids. I highly recommend that you start with this puzzle before moving onto the harder ones.

2. Construction Site has silver, shiny, metallic areas which make the objects pop. My three year old loved that detail.

3&4. Both Wild rainforest and Enchanted forest were the hardest for three year olds to do because there is a lot more going on.. and a lot of similar colors. The kids were really motivated by the images in the puzzles, so they did complete the challenge.

5. The Map of the USA is educational and a tad harder than the Our World puzzle. This is because the colors are more pop corned all over the place (so its harder to tell where pieces go unless you already know the states and what they look like.) Start with learning the continents and the Our World puzzle, then work to doing the USA map puzzle.

6. The Farm puzzle was overall the least interesting of the puzzles we purchased (at least to toddlers). They wanted to put the puzzle together, but once made, they just wanted to put it away - whereas they begged to leave out the other puzzles so they could look at for a while. It is still a wonderful puzzle, it is just that the images were not as engaging/exciting as the other puzzles we have.

My daughter is 2 and she is LOVING puzzles. I thought this would be a nice one to step her up from her peg puzzles and her one 12 pc puzzle that she has. It's great...I love the colors and the pictures. Her dad is a bit of a snob about accuracy and he approves of all of the animals and where they are located on the map. I never would have noticed if something was out of place...but he is pretty happy with it. My daughter has had fun putting it together twice. She needs a lot of help figuring out where the pieces go of course...but she's able to put them together herself. The only thing I wish was that the pieces were just a little thicker. They seem like good quality...but I feel like they would lay better on carpet if they were just a little thicker. Otherwise...this is pretty much perfect!

This is a wonderful puzzle. The pieces are thick and have a nice smooth feel to them. Corners and edges are crisp and the pieces fit well together. The ink is vibrant and the illustration is adorable. I wish they had larger puzzles with more pieces, as 24 pieces can be solved pretty fast by my 4 year old.

Great puzzle for toddler/preschool kids learning about maps and animal habitats. My nearly three-year old loves this puzzle. It is simple enough for him to complete on his own and he chooses to put it together frequently. The color-coded continents are very helpful for him to differentiate parts of the map and complete the puzzle. We talk about where the different animals live. The large size puzzle pieces are just right for small hands and the illustrations are beautiful

I got this for my 2 year old grandson as he enjoys doing puzzles and I wanted to start teaching him about the world. After helping him put it together a few times he now does it on his own and he points out where he lives on it. It's been a good learning tool while being fun!!

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Feature Product

  • Our best-selling floor puzzles have 24 large and sturdy pieces, perfect for little hands. The completed puzzle measures 18" x 24".
  • Bright, bold and detailed illustration offer lots of things to spot once the puzzle is complete. Building puzzles promotes hand-eye co-ordination and the development of problem solving skills.
  • Packaged in a keepsake carrying box with a soft cotton rope handle: ready-to-gift, or easy for little hands to carry.
  • Made with recycled paper printed with non-toxic environmentally friendly vegetable based inks. Our products are designed with the health of our children, and the planet, in mind. Meets and exceeds all safety standards.
  • Perfect for Ages 3+


Petit Collage Where Design Meets Play

Love the cute and modern graphics; bought along with the US map one. We have family living abroad, so it was a great teaching tool to give my daughter a better understanding on where they are exactly and how far away they are. The continents are of different colors, and there are easily identified animals and icons that help piece together the puzzle. The challenge level was just right for my 2 1/2 year old, who loves puzzles. She said "this is not easy, but just right."

This is a beautiful puzzle; the card stock is sturdy and it is well-cut so the pieces fit smoothly together. My three year old loves it and pulls it out nearly every day. Maps are still conceptually beyond his abilities, but he loves talking about all the adorable animals. I personally find it very attractive. We're planning to add a few more Petit Collage puzzles to our collection this Christmas.

Good quality puzzle. I like the size of the pieces for my 2 year old. The pieces are thick and durable. Colors are vibrant. She loves putting this puzzle together over and over.

This ended up being a "Christmas favorite" of my 4 year old son. It's the perfect size and difficulty for him, and it's so pretty to look at! It's a perfect mix of educational, fun, NOT NOISY, doesn't require batteries, and isn't a total eyesore in the living room!

Well made, well packaged. Thick paper puzzle in sturdy paper box with twine handle.
Nicely illustrated, pieces fit precisely. Not so much for carpeted floors. Bare parquet is ideal or large tabletop.
Pleasure to see three and half year old do the puzzle, name all continents and oceans, point all animals and memorize what and where "The rose of the winds" is.
Standout product.

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