Sturdy, good quality...used for crochet braids in hair, doesn't get tangled, fits easily through tight braids.
I’ve purchased this because it was included with my clients crotchet hair she bought & I wanted the same exact one. It is easy to use and glides in and out of the hair . Love it!!!
It is worth the buy for a beginner. It is plastic and might come apart between the green and pink but it’s cheap and worth it.
I liked this tool, but I didn't love it. It works well when installing crochet braids around the edges of the hair because it's small. Aside from that I found it cumbersome to work with in larger sections because it kept tangling the hair.
Very easy to use, nicely sized, and durable for crochet hairstyles. It doesn't snag my hair making it easy to loop the hair through my hair. Very nice and worth the price.

Feature Product
- Great for Micro Braid Hair
Use this needle to create extension styles
Awesome tool for crotchet braids. Be careful when using because you can get a finger caught when the loop is open and its not pleasant.
Excellent for hair crochet. The connecting latch opens and closes for your crochet needs. Perfect
Good buy
It works well but not very sturdy.
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My Star Ratings (with Amazon Ratings in parenthesis):
1 Star (I hate it!) : The lowest score possible. Definitely not worth the money and time and effort! should only use this when the product really does not reflect the product listing. If there are any positives at all to the product or its use, you should not give it 1 star.
2 Stars (I don't like it.): The product is not exactly as described, either appearance-wise or functionally. The product may still be usable but it’s very different to what was described. The product may have a few faults. I'm not a fan of this item as it is no where close to my expectations and I won't order it again, but I can imagine a few others might find it functional as it has at least one positive quality.
3 Stars (It's okay): This item has both positive and negative qualities. I can definitely see some people loving or liking it as it may work for them, but I would likely not purchase in future. While you might think a 3-star score equates to average, 3 stars counts against the product as a negative score. So if you’re not meaning to give it a negative score, rethink your 3-star rating!
4 Stars (I like it): The product is as described and functions well. There may be a few minor issues, but all in all, the product is solid. This item arrived and functions as advertised. I would change a few things about this, but is a good product overall. I would use this item.
5 Stars (I love it!): This item is AWESOME. I will use it and recommend it to others! I just LOVE it! It works as advertised and is an all-around great product. product is amazing! You love it! This is the highest of the highs. If you would recommend it to your friends, family — it’s definitely a 5-star score. Be unbiased here; if the product is exactly as described and meets expectations, but the product isn’t your personal favorite, it could still be 5 stars.
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I am using this product for crocheting hair and I Like the crochet needle

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