RoyalBaby CubeTube Buttons 12" Bicycle for Kids, Blue

RoyalBaby CubeTube Buttons 12" Bicycle for Kids, Blue

RoyalBaby CubeTube Buttons 12

Got this as a Christmas present for our 3.5 year old son (14" size). It's a perfect fit, with the seat all the way at the bottom. He'll be able to use it for at least a couple more years before he outgrows it.

The bike was VERY easy to assemble - I (mom) did it myself in about 20 minutes. He's never ridden on a bike with training wheels before, and he got the hang of it within 10 minutes. Even figured out how to use both types of brakes (pedaling backwards or hand brake).

This bike looks great and is a great value. I researched bikes for quite a while before deciding on this one. I am very happy with my purchase.

This bike is absolutely adorable and so sturdy. I bought this for my 4yr old daughter. She loves it. I added a basket on the front so she may carry her baby dolls and all her important nature finds. The basket, which I also bought on Amazon, was the "Colorbasket 01624 Kids Front Handlebar Bike Basket" in Black. It fits perfect and looks great.

It's pretty good!
BUT: when (not if, when) the chain derails, you have to take the whole thing apart, and it will take a lot of tools, time, and profanity to fix and put it back together. And you'll do it wrong the first time.

Don't install the included bell if you have an almost-four-year-old who will ding it in your face while you're putting it back together (and don't let her see it and ask for it). This is more parenting advice than it is a review of the bike.

As for the bike: I love that the chain is shrouded and the kid doesn't contact a ton of grease. I love how adjustable it is. I wish the main tube telescoped so we could get a few more months of use out of it. As far as first bikes for a three-year-old go, though? This thing is pretty great.

I got the 12" white and blue version from Amazon Warehouse deals. It was in used condition, but the "used" looked like someone tried to put it together, got stuck, took things off, and sent it back.

What I like:
* The 12" size is a good fit for my almost 4 year old son, who is around 40" tall. He can comfortably reach the ground with the seat in the lowest position. This bike should last him for a year, or a little more, until he can get on his brother's 16" bike...
* It looks well made. It's solid. The colors work together well, and it looks way better without every possible cartoon character printed on it.
* It comes with the training wheels - a big plus, since you don't have to get them separately, and you know they'll fit. There also is a little bell in the box, the 3$ kind, but it's nice to have it.
* It has a hand break, and pedal break. Not always a case with 12" bikes. I'm glad it does! My son does better with hand break under stress - he did not grasp the "pedal backwards" to stop thing yet.

What I didn't like:
* It's HEAVY. Is it heavier than other kid size bikes? No. It's not a $400 aluminum frame bike, either. But I cannot believe kids bikes have to be that heavy. The frame's profile could be half the size and hold up...
* Hand break is a little flimsy, and adjusting the brake to actually stop the bike took some time and effort. It's there, tho, and it works now.
* The "Buttons" band is a little confusing. We got two of the same brown plaid, and not sure how to change the design. I think it's unnecessary. I'd trade it for the water bottle offered in the other RoyalBaby model in no time.
* The biggest problem I had with the bike was the rear axle, tho. It looks like the wheel was not in line with the frame. Not sure it was a manufacturing defect, or the first owner decided to adjust something, but it took a trip to a bike shop to figure it out. Amazon came through offering to take the bike back, or issue a partial refund. We kept the bike.

Overall it's a nice bike. If you cannot stand Cars, Planes, Ninja Turtles and My Little Pony plastered all over your kids stuff, this is a good choice. I think it's a little overpriced, that's why it has the 4 stars. If I was choosing again I think I would pick RoyalBaby Kids Freestyle Bike 12 inch, 14 inch, 16 inch BMX for Boys and Girls, but we do like the bike, my son enjoys riding it, and since we fixed the rear wheel issue we've had no problems with it.

High quality a little heavy but high quality. Better than a princess bike. Accessorize with a basket and streamers. Also used a pool noodle to add padding to frame.

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Feature Product

  • Frame/Fork: Unique square-tube frame with various fashionable colors; unisex design suitable to both boys & girls
  • Wheels/Tires: RoyalBaby patented 2.4'' wide tires ensure high riding stability
  • Drivetrain: Single speed with one piece crank
  • Brakes/Cockpit: Front handbrake and Quando coaster brake provide double safety; child-size brake lever with short reach; newly-developed foam saddle, TPR soft grips, non-slip pedals with reflectors
  • Includes: Bell, assembly tools , designer frame pad and HEAVY DUTY training wheels


The Royalbaby newly developed Buttons bike for boys or girls offers factory direct sales for the best possible price. Our patented components feature designs specifically with the needs of children in mind. Our unique carton and packaging included all the tools necessary to assemble the bicycle so that this bike can hit the sidewalk in no time.

Daughter absolutely loves this bike and won't get off of it! I loved it because it looked different then the standard bikes do. It was a little bit more in price than other bikes but well worth the extra money. She is a little small for it, but has learned some tricks to get on it now (since she rides without training wheels). She likes the hand brake too which I switched to the other side because my daughter isn't a lefty. Came with all the tools to put together, even though I used my own, and just put those in my tool box. I would order this bike again, and will look at this company for future purchases.

Just got the bike today. Easy to assemble and did a bit of height adjustment on the brake shoe pad. It's a pretty lightweight bike compared to the 12" bike I bought from Wally 's store. Bike stand works really good. My 6 yrs old daughter was so excited to try it when she came home from school. Front brake is really useful and it didn't take her that long to get use to it. It is not a heavy bike. By the way, that was an 18” inch bike.

This bike is great quality, our 4 year old is using it to ride to school for the last 2 months. Green color is bright like in the picture, very happy with the purchase. All Pre-k classmates tried to ring the bell, tried to seat and admired it. The bike runs fast for the size. Very good value for the price, looks expensive.

Good bike, sturdy yet smooth chain drive. If your child needs the training wheels I would recommend that you look elsewhere. They seemed stiff and like they would create too much friction. The sizing guide might be off a little as my son just turned 4 but is tall for his age and has a tough time touching his feet to the ground. That's probably a good thing though. You want the child to grow with the bike.

If your child is having trouble peddling this thing it's called perseverance, never too early to teach them some.

Not only does my son love this bike, but the RoyalBaby support center is absolutely amazing. We've had the tube pop twice now (in about a 1yr period) and each time it's a simple call to their customer service number and the agents are super friendly and provide great support. Will definitely purchase another RB bike when my son grows out of this one!

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