Bought this for my 2.5 year old, little too hard for him, I would recommend more like age 3-4. Puzzle pieces seem sturdy and are cute designs, and I like that they are increasing in difficulty for the four puzzles. I wish the pieces connected a little bit more solidly - there is barely any "outie" part at all that sticks out from the pieces to snap into the connecting piece, makes it a little hard for small fingers. Overall cute puzzle though, good quality!
I love this jigsaw puzzle! I purchased it for my 2.6 old child who loves construction vehicles so much. It is a great start to introduce jigsaw puzzles. Each puzzle has 3-6 pieces. They are made out of cardboard. My son sometimes treat them rough but they are still in the great condition. It is easy to clean. I use wet wipes to clean the surface.
I introduced my child one puzzle at the time. I showed him the front loader (3 pieces red puzzle) first then moved on to more challenging puzzles (excavator and concrete mixer truck puzzles) They are my child’s favorite puzzle!
I'd recommend this puzzle for any child who is just getting into puzzles and loves a good challenge. My 2 year old at first was frustrated but soon began to catch on. As for the puzzle itself, it is sturdy and the pictures are top notch.
These are nice quality sets. The Garden Bug one is a bit harder than the other in the series as the leaves for the lady bug and caterpillar puzzles are a bit difficult to distinguish from each other.
My 2.5 year old loves these puzzles. At first she needed a bit of help to put them together but now she is starting to get it on her own.
I really appreciate that they all have a different number of pieces --- so they each take a different amount of work and concentration to complete.
I plan on buying more like this in the near future!

Feature Product
- Our progressive first puzzle sets evolve with your little one: each box comes with a 3-piece, 4-piece, 5-piece and 6-piece puzzle.
- Four simple puzzles included in each set. Chunky, easy to grasp puzzle pieces measure 2x3 each. Sturdy box allows for quick clean-up.
- Children will be able to tackle the 3-piece puzzle without too much trouble, and can move on to the more advanced puzzles when ready. Challenging but not frustrating for little hands!
- Made with recycled paper printed with non-toxic environmentally friendly vegetable based inks. Meets and exceeds all safety standards.
- Perfect for Ages 2+.
Petit Collage Where Design Meets Play
This was perfect for my 3 year old. It kept him busy for 30 minutes. He needed supervision the first couple of times to help him with his frustration. But he's getting the hang of puzzles!
Bought this for my little guy's second birthday he opened it right up and was able to start trying to put them together the pieces go together quite well and are easy for his little hands to hold
This puzzle is great for toddlers who are more advanced than the peg puzzles with the pieces that fit on top of their pictures, but who aren't ready for anything too much beyond that. There are 4 puzzles each with one additional piece to them, and my son was encouraged by having the varying difficulties and quickly built his skillset to complete all 4 puzzles. This puzzle is totally worth the price and let's be honest...anything construction is a win for a 2 year old.
Love these puzzles for my 2.5 year old! They are challenging enough to make him think, but not enough to be too frustrating to Amie him stop. Bonus, he loves things that go. Ordered after getting the construction puzzles for Christmas!
my 2 yo is obsessed with puzzles and he loves these. he keeps them in a little shoe box and it's the cutest thing to watch him grab it and put these puzzles together on his own.

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