I live with my windows facing a street. Between obnoxious people with loud stereos, blasting their terrible music, to obnoxious neighbours doing the same, I've become really irritated with the amount of /annoying/ noise that's around. I don't mind the sound of cars just driving by. It's almost kind of soothing to know that there are other people out there. I'm not mad at the noise of a rain storm, or wind blowing, or general ambient stuff that you can ignore. What I do hate is the sharp hammering of construction equipment. The rumbling annoyances of loud speakers. Screaming children.
I could wear ear plugs, or noise cancelling headphones to get to sleep, but I'm not sure that it's exactly healthy to have that level of stuff crammed in your ear, preventing it from getting air. I could ask the neighbours to keep it to a dull roar, but that only helps for a few hours. The next day, they're at it again, and I get vaguely murdery because I haven't had enough sleep.
With the white noise machine, I can crank up the volume until it's drowning out most of life's auditory annoyances. I do have a fan on to help me sleep. I also crank the a/c during the summer. But if I want my windows open to let in the cool night air, I need something to drown out the chaos of rude inconsiderate people. This has made it so much easier to fall asleep. In fact, all I have to do is switch on the white noise to my favourite sound, and all of a sudden my body gets ready to get comfy and sleepy. It's cut down on how often I need to take sleeping meds to fall asleep by about 1/3. I still have insomnia. And I'll try anything to help. This is not some kind of miracle cure, but it really really helps on those nights when the noises are too much.
Like most others who buy sound machines, I'm a light, fan sleeper and I'm surrounded by neighborhood kids, barking puppy dogs, and crowing roosters. I didn't know sound machines existed for years, so every winter I pretty much freeze my butt off with the use of a fan at night. I discovered the sound machine on Amazon about 2 years ago and saw that Marpac has the lead seller in this area. So last winter, I bought one at a local department store, tried it, and was tragically underwhelmed. It went right back to the store where I paid $50 for it. It was no louder than a small desktop table fan. I could hear my visiting sister pop the top on a soda can in the guest room across the hall. I just couldn't stand the thought that I had paid so much for something so useless, so I took it back and am still wondering what all the hype was about. Here we are in the middle of yet another winter, so I decided to give a sound machine another try. Kind of tired of running a flipping fan in the middle of 30 degree weather. I got back on Amazon and typed in sound machine. This time I didn't look for hype. I used my own deductive reasoning. The Lectrofan seemed to have a solid reputation, but above all else, it has several different sounds and an impressive volume control. And NO LOOP. I took a chance and thought, wow. I'm going to be livid if I've just spent yet another $50 bucks on a useless sleep machine.
Turns out, it's beyond awesome. I have absolutely no idea why the Marpac has twice as many reviews and followers on Amazon as this machine, because the LectroFan is obviously the superior machine. It is MUCH louder and FAR more extensive in range of ability. What's even better? It's about a fourth the size of its competitor and is hardly even noticeable as just another small electronic on your nightstand or dresser. Seriously, when I saw the box it arrived in, I was thinking you have to be kidding. It's tiny, but it packs a punch. I don't have an outlet near my dresser so I placed mine on my nightstand and I think it works perfectly where I have it. Especially with the ability to turn the volume up and down, I don't have to worry about it being too loud right next to my head. I slept like a baby last night with this thing. If you're in the market for a sound machine and happen to see this review in the sea of over 3,000 others, listen to me. Skip the Marpac and pick this one. It's just a better machine.
The diverse array of sounds astounded me--the nature, fan and brown noise settings are my favorites. For such a tiny device, the speaker is amazing.
The night-light with its many settings is a fun and helpful plus. So, far, I like it to run though the rainbow of colors on the brightest setting.
Definitely, I would use this traveling also. Now I'm using it in my studio, alone or combined with other sound generators, because this is such a noisy complex. It's just me and my tortoiseshell colleague here, but I imagine the Kinder would be ideal in a nursery, its original purpose.
The company is eager to help, if and as needed, and is still working to improve the app that's needed to control the device, I understand. But the app functions I most use work okay already.
I put this at the far end of my daughters room. I was able to stand in her doorway and control it. There are tons of sounds which is nice, but we're accustom to the "brown noise" setting. The music, lullabies, are actually pretty pleasant. Daughter wants "songs" when she is playing in her room. She also likes how the light cycles through the color spectrum. The app is pretty easy to use and the Bluetooth connectivity isn't bad. If I don't have the app running in the background, it takes a few moments to associate. If you have more than 1 device, you can label them in your app. I plan on buying 1 more for my other daughters room and even one for my room despite it being marketed for kids - especially since they are now $60 instead of $80 like the first one I bought.
We've had nonstop construction going on outside our NYC apartment for the past several years (yes, you read that correctly). As soon as they lay the foundation for one building, they get started on the next. Most vexing is that they get away with doing this construction in the middle of the night, which is nothing short of outrageous! Though it's supposed to be illegal, they continue to secure permits, leaving all the tenants in our building with no choice but to break their leases (believe me, many have) or to suffer through it...
...OR to get a white noise machine with an adjustable volume so that one can block the noise out. I'm telling you, this little machine has been a lifesaver! There are several settings (sounds)--we listened to them all and then settled for one that sounds like a fan. We turned it up loud to block out the noise of the torturous construction and can I just say...sleep, sweet sleep! What a relief it is. The machine was worth every penny. If you're having issues like we were, get it. You won't be sorry.

Feature Product
- This FFP edition comes in frustration-free packaging
- Provides ten fan sounds and ten ambient noise variations, including white noise, pink noise and brown noise
- Helps mask disruptive environmental noises so you or your little one can fall asleep with ease
- Safe, solid-state design is powered by AC or USB and dynamically creates unique, non-repeating sounds with no moving parts
- Precise volume control allows you to set the perfect level for your unique environment. Compact and portable
LectroFan is ideal for relaxation, study, speech privacy, or any situation where you'd like more control of your audio environment. It's also your personal white noise and fan sound machine to ensure a better night's sleep and peaceful rest. The LectroFan offers twenty unique digital sounds to mask noises, and you can choose from ten different electric fan sounds and ten variations of pure white noise. All sounds can be personalized with pin-point volume control to select across a wide range of sound levels - from a whisper, to many times louder than mechanical fan based conditioners. Do not apply excessive force when using any of the control switch. Upward facing speakers for full room sound
The ‘LectroFan Kinder is so nice, I bought it twice! Seriously....one for me and one for my mom! Prior to my purchase, I had my phone running an white noise app in my baby’s nursery - very inconvenient. I couldn’t use my phone for the entire evening. With the Kinder, everything is run through an app. So even when you’re not around (say you have a babysitter), the Kinder remembers your settings from the day before and your sitter can just press the power button and it’s good to go! Not only does it have a number of white noise selections, it also plays lullabies (which we play while getting ready for bed), nature sounds, and can serve as a night light with lots of fun color options. If you’re on the fence, get it - it’s definitely worth the investment. And the telephone support (if you should need it) is excellent!
Ordered white, received black. Not going to bother with the exchange process and keeping it because it really is amazing (even though it's a service issue I just can't give five stars for this reason, otherwise I would). I was afraid a noise machine wouldn't be loud enough for my needs (baby napping in small-ish house with other kids (including a loud toddler)). I don't even need to get close to the loudest volume and it's way louder than the fans (yes, plural) I'd been using, masks the noise of the AC unit in the window of the nursery, creates a rich, full sounds that fills the room in an amazing way. I plan to get another for our bedroom as well. I've been using fans for years and had no idea how much better it could be! Can't wait to see if it helps block my husband's snoring, and I wouldn't be surprised if it does. We currently have a Lasco Windmachine in our room and while that is very loud on its highest setting, it has nothing on this - not as loud and doesn't fill the room (hard to explain but it's like a blanket of sound covers everything in the room, blocking every other sound).
This machine is GREAT! I had a $125 Brookstone machine for 10 years and it finally died. I bought this LectroFan after I bought and tried BESTHING noise machine that was cheaper and lousy so I returned it. This only has the fan and white noise which is what I wanted, I did not need all the other noise options that Brookstone offered. There are many sound options of natural white noise and natural fan noise on this machine, so finding the right sleep setting should not be difficult. It does not loop meaning this machine is not a recording, its all natural noise. The volume on this can get VERY LOUD, it definitely drowns out my husbands loud snoring and any outside noise (lawn mowers, fireworks, basketballs, neighbors loud music ect.) There is no light on the machine which is nice since I like a dark room and It's easy to use. The size of the machine (pictured) smaller than a 16oz can of crisco. The speakers are on the top (perfect for sound distribution) I am a very light sleeper so any noise would wake me up and drive me nuts, this machine takes care of all of this!!!
We live in an apartment with very thin walls. That being said, our downstairs neighbors usually like to chat in their bedroom (right under mine) around midnight, and he has a deep voice! I lost count of how many times I had to move to the couch, or to the guest room, to be able to fall asleep. Ear plugs would not catch the bass sound that annoys me. Sleep with music would me make wake up after a couple hours upset with it. Humidifier also would not catch his deep voice. Every night I would go to bed very anxious not knowing if I was going to sleep or not.
Then, ladies and gentlemen, my lovely husband decided to buy this. After a lot of research, he figured out this little guy would be perfect for my needs. And I AM SO IMPRESSED! I went thru the manual in a few minutes, saw what it could offer, found the most pleasant fan sound, adjusted the color, and volume, and it is a miracle! I simply cannot hear anything! I just turn it on and fall asleep light an angel. I do not have anxiety going to bed anymore because I know I am going to sleep well no matter what.
Because my problem is falling asleep and I know my neighbors schedule, I turn on the timer for 2-3 hours (after turning it on, every time you hit the timer button, it will add 60 minutes) and the machine turns off automatically and over 15 minutes so you do not wake up with a sudden silence. I even checked the decibels, and with the settings that work for me, I have 50 decibels max. Plus, it is only for a couple hours. Reading online, it seems that it should be fine and not harm your ears.
Really! Give it a try! It works, it is really amazing and very easy to use!
Very nice unit. Low (3 W) power consumption. It offers 10 colors of noise ranging in small steps from Brown (very little high frequency sound energy) to white (equal energy across the audio spectrum), 10 volume levels, and 10 simulated fan modulation styles (no moving parts). The unit works for me to mask outside noise without imposing itself on me. It works for my wife who says its sound acts as a meditation focus that lets her mind relax and fall asleep.
White noise can be very harsh to many people, because there are not many persistent high-frequency noisy sources in nature or civilization, and most of those are grating rather than relaxing. Other colors of sound with less high-frequency content, can be more soothing for people. With this unit you can find the sound color that works best for you - soothing yet able to cover up life's annoying sounds.
Ten volume levels is also nice. I found that I set the volume too high at first. Outside noises were covered up, but the unit's own sound was an annoyance. About 5 minutes of adjusting the volume down and laying my head back down, a volume step at a time, it gave me just the level I needed.
The sound is lightly modulated as if it is being generated by a fan. There are 10 simulated fan options from the barely noticeable modulation of a ceiling fan to more industrial-style fan simulations. I found that as with the volume, I needed to adjust the choice of fan style. Similar styles are next to one another, so it's pretty easy to home in on the one that best suits you.
This wide variety is a very nice feature. You might think that with 10x10x10 = 1000 options, you'll spend hours finding something suitable, but 5 minutes before lights-out and a maybe 5 more minutes making fine adjustments is about all you'll need (with, perhaps, one middle-of-the-first-night final re-adjustment). You'll be close to what works for you before you even turn out the lights, and then the small adjustments will get you to what's best for you.
The unit remembers the chosen sound color, volume, and fan modulation so on future nights you can simply turn it on and not have to fuss.
The unit can be turned on to run until it's turned off, or it can be set to turn itself off after a selectable number of hours have passed. I just let it run all night.
I used to put in earplugs each night, and they worked to reduce outside noise to an acceptable level, but after 6 hours I'd wake up with my ears itching. I was getting concerned that using earplugs every night was not doing my ear hygiene any good, so I went looking for a noise generator. This one was recommended in a technical article I read and it has worked out perfectly.

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