Guardian Lightweight Kids Bike 20 Inch, Safe Patented SureStop Brake System, Kids Mountain Bike, Bike Sizes for Kids 3' 9" - 4' 5", Boys Bikes and Girls Bikes

Guardian Lightweight Kids Bike 20 Inch, Safe Patented SureStop Brake System, Kids Mountain Bike, Bike Sizes for Kids 3' 9" - 4' 5", Boys Bikes and Girls Bikes

Guardian Lightweight Kids Bike 20 Inch, Safe Patented SureStop Brake System, Kids Mountain Bike, Bike Sizes for Kids 3' 9

My daughter sustained a concussion based on the braking system on her old bike. I am a surgeon that deals with trauma situations on an everyday bases, so when I went loooking for a safer solution for my daughters next bike- the surestop system was a no brainer.
The bike came packed very well, without a scratch. It took me 5 minutes to assemble, and it is very high quality-the welds and finish are comparable to our high end adult bikes.
My daughter loves the weight of the bike, she can handle it very well. The brakes work like nothing I've seen. I thought the front wasn't working when I assembled it but they only activate when the rear pads actually are on the rim and the wheel is spinning- Genious design.
These brakes should be on every bike. I saw the idea on Shark tank and thought of the sharks don't pick this idea up I would find a way!
I am going to order anotherbike for my son. Thanks for such a great product.

We purchased our Guardian bike a couple months ago for my 7 year old and we've been very happy with it. My son loves it! It can be tough to find a high quality kids' bike that looks cool too and Guardian does a terrific job. The bike was really easy to put together and took very little time...maybe 10 minuntes tops. We did have one small problem with the brake pads after my son had been riding for a few days so I called Guardian and asked them about it. I spoke with Kyle, who designed the bike, and he answered several of my questions and offered to facetime with us so he could show us how to correct the brake pad problem. He walked my husband and I through it and we had the issue fixed in just a few minutes. I was afraid we were going to need to head to a bike shop but he made it incredible easy. He also gave my son a sneak peek of new bike designs they were working on when we facetimed...which he thought was SO COOL :)

My son has been riding the bike for almost 3 months now and we haven't had any other problems. It's definitely an investment when you compare it with the bikes in big box chains. But you end up with a much safer bike that's been thoughtfully designed, really terrific customer service and a super cool design that your kid will love!

This is an excellent, high-quality kids bike. With Prime shipping, it arrived within the scheduled delivery time frame. I ordered it on Thursday and it arrived on Monday. The shipping box is not discrete and makes the contents obvious so if you are buying this as a surprise gift, the surprise may be ruined if the box is seen before the event.

*** Assembly ***
The bike was very much preassembled in the box it arrived. Only the front wheel and the handlebar required assembly. If you have never assembled a bike before, I suggest looking for an instruction video on Guardian’s YouTube channel because the instruction manual that came with it was not very helpful. Guardian Bikes have included all the tools needed to assemble. It was very easy to assemble.

*** FEATURES ***

BRAKES: Traditional bikes have two separate levers for each wheel’s brake: front and rear. I have never liked the two separate levers on bikes. This bike’s most popular feature is the new type of brake that uses only one lever that controls both the rear and the front brakes. It engages the rear brakes first and then engages the front brakes.

LIGHTWEIGHT: For a 24-inch bike, this bike is noticeably light. It weighs under 24 lbs. (less than 11 kgs). My 10 year old can easily pick it up.

CENTER OF GRAVITY: Before ordering, when I was reading about this feature, I thought this could just be their marketing department coming up with new things to mention. But after looking at this bike and comparing it with other bikes, I can see the difference. The placement of the seat post, the saddle, the top, and the bottom tubes was designed so that when you are riding, the center of gravity is between the two wheels at an almost equal distance. Most other bikes tend to put more weight on the rear wheel than the front.

KICKSTAND: I have bought many kids’ bikes that did not include a kickstand. I think that kickstands are an essential part of a bike that should be included with the bike. Bike manufacturers should not be selling kickstands as optional accessories. I was glad to see that Guardian understands that and this bike comes with a kickstand preinstalled.

*** RIDE ***
The ride is like any other bike. What really sets this bike apart is the brakes. My daughter tested it and was able to stop this bike much quicker and easier than her other bike with two separate brake levers.

First, there was some cardboard sticking out between the paddle and the disc as you can see in the pictures I am posting with this review. This part was preassembled so it appears that whoever assembled it at their factory, did not completely remove it. This is rather odd to see in a new bike as you can see from the pictures. There was more of this cardboard sticking out and I had removed most before taking the picture. For a company that boasts 34-point safety check, I wish they would also include some checks for these visible oddities that should not be part of a finished product.

They could have done a better job of making the seat post a bit more comfortable for girls because, with this color configuration (pink and white), it is obvious that the bike is targeted toward girls (or young women). It appears that they just put a generic seat post on this bike. I would have appreciated it if they had also put some thought into making the seats more comfortable or at least picked one of those seats that are designed for girls/women for this particular color configuration. If you look at the pictures, compare the seat on this bike with seat posts that come with women’s bike and you will know the difference. Now compare it with those seat posts that come with boys/men’s bikes. You can easily tell that this seat was designed for boys/men version fo the bike.

In conclusion, this is an excellent high-quality kid’s bike that is well worth the higher price tag. I can see this bike lasting for many years. This would have been a 5-star rating if it had not been for the two complaints that I mentioned above.

NOTE: The pictures that I am adding with this review show an extra LED for front and rear. Please note that only a red and a white reflector came with the bike. Just a heads up that the extra LED that you see here in my pictures were not part of the bike.

Fantastic bike. We could not be more pleased with the build quality, and it is COOL looking to boot. We have a short for his age 8 year old (48.5 in tall) and the 20in model fits him perfectly. The braking system is quite ingenious and works like a charm.
He had a 16 inch bike but he just never took to it - it was too heavy, hard to pedal, and the coaster brake was difficult for him. We started from scratch teaching him to ride without training wheels on his Guardian. For two weeks, he practiced 15 minutes per day without pedals. Today we added the pedals and he rode 3 miles.
The safety and ease of riding is well-worth the cost difference over a big box store bike, and it's so well-made I have no doubt it will be handed down to his younger sibling.

LOVE this bike!! Excellent quality, super safe for my 6 year old (she's TALL). Easy assembly!
Our daughter picked up the new braking system easily. Just a really well made bike.

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Feature Product

  • SAFER PATENTED SURESTOP BRAKE SYSTEM: prevent head-over-handlebar accidents and allow kids to stop faster. The award-winning brake system is why EVANTUBEHD calls GUARDIAN "WORLD'S SAFEST KIDS BIKE"
  • KIDS BIKE 20 INCH: boys bikes and girls bikes for heights 3'9'' to 4'5'' (approx ages 5-9). Rated as one of the BEST BIKES FOR KIDS by Two Wheeling Tots for 20 bikes.
  • LIGHTWEIGHT KIDS BIKE: youth bikes at only 20.2 lbs means easier handling for better control and safety.
  • INCLUDES: simple 1-speed, kid specific easy reach lever, kickstand, double wall rims, NO TRAINING WHEELS NEEDED (learn more at our website)
  • 99% ASSEMBLED: This kids bicycle ships 99% assembled with all the tools you need (<10 min setup for you!)


Our mission at Guardian Bikes is to build the world’s safest kids bikes. We believe a bike should be a part of every childhood, but injuries shouldn’t. Every Guardian kids bike comes equipped with the award-winning SureStop Brake System, a technology we patented to prevent head-over-handlebar accidents and allow kids to stop faster. SureStop uses one brake lever to activate both wheels, allowing children to brake with ease and confidence.

Our lightweight bike frames are constructed from 100% 6061 aircraft grade aluminum, making the bikes just 20 lbs, for easier maneuverability and control. The rigid construction and low center of gravity of our custom frame prevent kids from tip over accidents while riding. Other high-quality components include: low maintenance 1-speed, extra-strength Rhino Rims, and kickstand.

Your child’s safety is our priority, which is why we have developed a one-of-a-kind quality control process. Before shipping, every bike goes through the Guardian 34 Point Setup and Safety Check by professional mechanics at our office in Irvine, CA. This detailed process allows us to deliver a consistently safe bike to every Guardian customer and means only 10 minutes of setup for busy parents like you!

The most important responsibility we have when buying a bicycle for our children or grandchildren are the following to consider:
All of the above was without question met by GUARDIAN BIKES which are the safest kids bikes with WORLD CLASS SERVICE.
My wife and I purchased the 20” Ethos Bike for our 6 year old granddaughter. However it looked to small. Called Guardian Bikes and sent a photo. Guardian contacted our daughter and Guardian recommend the 24” Original. We purchased the 24” Original. Guardian was in constant contact with our daughter setting up the return label and pickup date for the 20” at no charge because of their 100 day return policy.
Our granddaughter received her net 24” Original Bike. All of this was completed within one week.
Our granddaughter told us she did not like her new bike ... SHE LOVES her new bike.
We have another granddaughter 3 year behind and YES we are buying Guardian Bikes.

I bought two of these bikes from amazon for my 7 and 8 year old. Per amazon instruction for size I ordered the 20 inch frame but when arrived was too small. I called the customer service line and spoke to Kyle. He told me that I needed the 24 inch and that it’s based on height and not age as stated on amazon. Kyle was amazing. He picked up the wrong size ones and immediately shipped me two 24 inch frames just in time for my kids birthdays. Bike assembly takes 10 min. Very light weigh both my boys pick them up easily and can put in my truck.
Very well built , love the break system. They are not cheap bikes but in my opinion well worth the money. I highly recommend these bikes. And with this excellent customer service hard to find anything wrong with them. Btw he was texting me on sat and Sunday !! Who does that these days.

We waited until after our daughter wen to bed to open and assemble the bike. When we opened the box, there were no pedals, tools or instructions. I was furious: when you pay this much for a bike, you expect to have all the pieces. I went online and tried to figure out what to do next. I left a one star review and described my issue. Within the hour (this was after 9:00pm), Kyle at Guardian called me. He explained the issue (don't want to point fingers, but when the box left Guardian, all the pieces were there), and offered to next day air the pedal box. When he found the soonest he could get me the pedals was Monday (this was Thursday) because of my location, he offered to call bike shops in my area, buy me some temporary pedals and pay for the shop to install them. WHO DOES THAT?? My daughter is making the transition from balance bike to pedal bike, so I didn't mind waiting for the Guardian pedals, but I have been thrilled with the customer service.

And by the way, what a well-made, sturdy, high quality bike. No regrets with this purchase. Worth every penny.

We bought this bike for our daughter. The bike was super easy to assemble and our daughter was so excited to get her first “real” bike. On our very first bike ride, she accidentally dropped the bike and it caused a gash in the brand new seat. We reached out to the company immediately and upon confirming the damage sent us a new seat, which arrived in just a few days. Amazing customer service from a wonderful bike company. Highly recommend!

The blue, green and black is way nicer than the pics online which was a nice surprise when unboxing. I don’t like to spend much on kids toys, bikes I bought the Original bike (more expensive model) with a little hesitation but once I saw the quality and braking system of the bike it was a keeper. I recommend saving a little cash for the Original model if you are on the fence like I was. You won’t be disappointed. My son loves his new bike and so do all the kids on the block. Also, customer service is absolutely the best. My questions and concerns were answered within minutes even on Xmas day! Thanks Kyle!

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