Best Choice Products Portable Mini Twin Tub Compact Washing Machine and Dryer Combo w/ 15-Minute Timer, Drain Hose, Spin Dry Cycle - White/Blue

Best Choice Products Portable Mini Twin Tub Compact Washing Machine and Dryer Combo w/ 15-Minute Timer, Drain Hose, Spin Dry Cycle - White/Blue

Best Choice Products Portable Mini Twin Tub Compact Washing Machine and Dryer Combo w/ 15-Minute Timer, Drain Hose, Spin Dry Cycle - White/Blue

After living in apartments without washing machines for 9 years and debating whether or not to by a small washer for the last 2 years, we finally did it. After a week of use, my only regret is that we didn't buy one sooner. As long as you have realistic expectations, you will be happy. So here is what to expect:
(If you want a quick summary go to the end)

What it will hold- We are a family of 3 and just being honest, not small people, so you may be able to fit more items. These are all examples of individual loads we have washed:
-Child size 10/12 clothing- 3 days worth
-Female, 1x clothing- pair of jeans, 2 tops, 2 sets of pajamas, 5 undergarments
-Male, 2x clothing- pair of jeans, 1 t-shirt, 2 short sleeve button up shirts, 2 pairs of socks, 2 underwear
-1 twin size sheet set
-1 king size flat or fitted sheet (1 at a time)
-2 average sized bath towels and 1 hand towel (towels absorb a lot of water and become heavy, so be careful with how many you put)
-6 twin and 4 king pillowcases, 1 quilted sham, and 1 body pillow case

Of course it is not as much as you would fit in a regular washing machine. But, if you are tired of lugging laundry out every week and having to deal with all that comes with that task, then being able to do multiple small loads throughout the week is a great relief. We will still need to take large items, like bedspreads, to the laundromat.

Where to put it- If you want to be happy, you need a good place to put the machine where it will not be in the way or be difficult to set up every time. The last thing you need is for it to become a hassle. We have two bathrooms, so we put it in the larger of the two. We found some piece of furniture (I think it is a Besta) in the as-is section of Ikea and the machine fits perfectly on top of it. Underneath, there is a large compartment to store laundry and bathroom paraphernalia. We placed a towel under the washer to prevent sliding and catch water drips. We are considering attaching casters for ease of movement, but have found that our current setup does not require it. The machine does not have a pump and uses gravity to drain. This means that if you don't want the water to drain out onto the floor, then you need to raise the machine to the level of your bathtub or whatever you are draining into. We have our setup next to the bathtub. The way our bathroom is configured, the only option was to place the machine with the drain hose on the opposite side from the bathtub. We actually took one of the loose hoses that came with the machine and attached it to the drain hose. This allows us to drain into the bathtub without having to move anything. We have a handheld shower head and just use that to fill the washer. It is easier for us than disconnecting and reconnecting hoses and whatnot. If you have a spot where you can have a permanent hookup, then it will be much more convenient. If you will be using the machine in a shared space, you need to consider the ease of use and whether or not it is realistic for you. Before finding a stand for the washer, we just placed it inside the bathtub during use. It is 30 lbs, so that may not be something you want to do.

How it works- The machine is not automatic, meaning that you will need to do each step- fill, rinse, spin. It is fairly quiet. Would I run it after 10pm? Maybe, if I was really in need. There are a number of reviews with videos, here on amazon, for similar products. I suggest you take a look, as they all work the same way ( Giantex Portable Mini Compact Twin Tub 11lb Washing Machine Washer Spin Dryer and Best Choice Products Portable Compact Mini Twin Tub Washing Machine and Spin Cycle w/ Hose, 13lbs. Capacity ). The reason we chose this machine was that it had the largest capacity among similar products and the customer service for Best Choice Products was well lauded in reviews for their other model.

How well it works- In our experience, it washes very well. Stained items that were pre-treated all came out clean. Everything else came out clean too. The washer is very powerful, so much so that you need to be careful, as with any washing machine, and make sure that children or adults do not stick there hands into it while it's running. It is shorter that most washers and depending on your configuration, may be more accessible to children. The spin portion does very well with getting out the water. Most of our clothing dries within a few hours in our apartment. Heavier items dry completely within 12 hours. If we were able to dry outside, it would be much faster. We have also washed several loads and then taken the items to a dryer. In that case, everything was dry within 30 minutes. The only thing we don't like is that items can become tangled together in the wash. That problem was solved by placing some items into mesh wash bags, which we already had. Also, just so you know, there is a strong plastic smell, but after a week it has mostly dissipated.

We are happy with the washer so far. Part of this has to do with the product itself, which has met our expectations. The other part has to do with how annoying it is to be without a washing machine. Having to deal with taking laundry to a laundromat or even dealing with apartment laundry rooms is a pain. The closest laundromat to us is pretty sketchy. Our apartment provides 8 washers for 86 apartments. There is always at least one that is broken. There are a few people who weekly use every machine at once. There are people who don't remove their laundry for hours. Who knows what people wash in the machines? We have had expensive, brand new sheets ruined from some unknown black stuff in one of the machines, even though I inspect them before placing my laundry in. There have been machines full of cat hair, rubber backing, used band-aids and
forgotten feminine hygiene products. Also, the laundry room closes at 9pm. And if you have kids you have to bring with you, the frustration only increases. Chances are if you are looking at this product then you already know and I'm just preaching to the choir. Point being, this washer does require some work on your part, but the trade off is worth it.

Quick summary-
If you have a good place to put a washer with accessible drainage (bathtub, sink, etc) and a water connection (shower, faucet, etc.) that will not become cumbersome to use, then this is a good option. Do not expect to wash a week's worth of laundry at once. Small loads can be done quickly and spin out a good amount of water for quick hang drying. (See my list of items washed for an example of how much the washer can hold.) This machine is not automatic, you will need to do each step- fill, rinse, spin.There is no pump, draining requires gravity. Watch out for children when the washer is in use. To avoid clothing being tangled, use the gentler setting and mesh laundry bags. It is relatively quiet, more so than expected. There is a strong plastic smell that dissipates after a week. We are happy with the product and the small amount of work required on our part is worth not having to deal with taking laundry elsewhere.

I originally purchased this item with cloth diapers in mind, and it seems to be perfect! We live in an apartment with shared laundry machines, but it costs 3.00 a load and that really adds up for a family of 5. I had been hand washing diapers and small articles of clothing, but after two years I was starting to lose my mind a bit. So after much deliberation, I chose this wonderful little machine to help me out! So far I have done about 4 small loads, and I am pretty impressed overall. Some pros:

1.) It's bigger than you think. I can fit an entire weeks worth of baby clothes plus his burp cloths (three) and swaddlers (three). As for diapers, I can fit two days worth comfortably (about 10, I use muslin flats and covers, it will depend on the Diaper you use). I also did a week's worth of socks and underwear for two kids and two adults without a problem. Be careful and don't overload it, though. I generally fill the machine up to just below lint catcher with clothes, and then fill the water to just above the lint catcher.

2. It's pretty quiet compared to a regular washing machine. Also, my two boys (aged 3 and 4) find loads of entertainment in watching the wash and rinse cycles. I wouldn't leave them alone with the machine, for obvious reasons, but if you have young kids it certainly makes laundry more exciting.

3. It's not super heavy. I have to place mine in the bathtub while I'm using it, and then move it to my bedroom when I'm finished. It's doable, but I'm not saying wheels wouldn't be nice or anything.

4. It does its job very well. All of the clothes I washed turned out super clean. I'm impressed.

Honestly the only cons I see with this machine are the obvious ones--- it's only semi automatic, so you have to wash, then spin, then rinse with no soap, then spin again. Which requires moving laundry back and forth a few times. Also, the water inlet pipes are terrible, so unless you are a DIY type person, you will need to use a bucket or one of those moveable shower heads ( what I use) to fill the washer. And lastly, the gravity drain is annoying. You either need to raise the machine up on a table to train into the tub, or you need to drain it into a pot or something. Or you can just put the whole machine in the tub like me. Also, clothes tend to tangle, so be wary, and put delicate things in mesh bags if it helps.

Anyway, in short, this is worth the investment. I am very happy I finally decided to buy it! I have only had it for two days, but I will update if anything goes wrong with the machine.

Update 09/30/18: So, I have had this machine for over a year now, and it still works great. If you plan on using this for cloth diapers, I would recommend using anything other than flats! They tangled so much from the spinning, that they weren't really getting clean. Literally any other kind of cloth diaper (pockets, prefolds, fitted, AIOs) is okay, though! We switched to fitted diapers and pocket diapers and no longer have to worry about tangling. Still a five star product!

Been hand washing clothes for years so this is amazing. Arrived yesterday, already used it a quiet a bit. Spins them almost dry. No more dripping wet clothes! couldnt be happier. To elevate the washer I used two milk crates turned upside down and put an old scarf I had over them.

This is an amazing product if you have the right expectations for it. I would not say this is a total replacement for a washer dryer but it's the best solution for me. I live in an apartment and while there is a laundry room it is in another's building and is shared by 64 units. And it's $3 a load and only 3 washers and 3 dryers. My mom told me it was ok to do laundry at her house. For the past 2.5 years I've been hauling my laundry there. But for the past 6 months every time I go over someone else's laundry is sitting there. Either one of my sisters or my parents. And they leave it there all weekend. There's already so much drama in that house I didn't want to make more. I can't afford $3 a load. This is the best solution for me. I set this in the tub and plug it in. The cord isn't quite long enough for me and I have to use an extension cord. It is small enough I can store it in my hall closet.

What can you wash in here?
I have done the following loads:
2 weeks underwear and socks
5 shirts or leggings
2 sweatshirts or cardigans
1 bath towel and 2 hand towels

The spinner is exactly what they have at the pool to ring out your swimsuit. I only put 2 shirts or leggings at a time.

My process:
I put the clothes in until it is about half full and add tide, oxyclean and downy. (I use about 1/4 of what I would use in a regular washer)
I use my handheld shower head to fill the washer about 3/4 full or until clothes are covered with room. If there is not enough water the clothes will not spin.
I set for either 12 or 15 mins depending on soil level.
I drain the water and refill. I run with clean water for 9 or 12 mins.
I then put a few items in the spinner and while running water I spin for 2-3 mins with water running. I then just spin for 8 mins. The clothes are about 75% dry and I have a drying rack I use with fans to dry completely.

The product did have a plastic smell but I think that will go away. This is not going to do blankets or bathroom rugs but I think it will be perfect for most other things. This was easier than bringing to the laundromat or bringing to my parents house.

Works for me! I spent a lot of time and money going to the laundry. On top of having a heinously busy work schedule and various anxieties and executive dysfunctions, it was just hard to go and troublesome as well.

I'm about a month or so out from having this now? I believe? My laundry stays clean. My clothes stay kept up. It was always work clothes and underwear and socks anyway and now I'm not running out. Will I still have to go to the laundry for big items, like my blankets and such? Well probably, but I should have made this purchase eons ago.

Now listen, this one, this model, this capacity, good for small loads. The POUND measurement on all these tubs in all various forms is WET. LAUNDRY. Okay? Wet laundry and the capacity of both combined. So understand that part. Please go look up videos on how to use! That helped me. I really didn't bother with the instructions, but please look up and look at other folks' videos because that helped right away. Truths: You don't need much soap. The spinner does get those clothes fairly dry. I bought a mini dryer, so I don't know about air dry times, but I was pretty impressed.

This particular one drains through gravity, so I set mine in my tub. I actually unscrew my shower head and fill it up in the tub, wash in there too. I just stretch a cord. Works for me and my set up. But please understand what a blessing and convenience this has been to my life.

If you can afford it, go ahead and get any of these types at a bigger capacity. If you live in an apartment without washer dryer hookups, this will save your life. Now, my water is included so you can bet I'm a clothes washing fool, but it's everything I needed.

Just some bonus things: I got mesh lint bags to go over the drain hose so it wouldn't gunk up my bath drain. I also bought a little floaty link filter bag in addition to the one they have inside the machine. All help enormously and were cheap. I recommend them at any brand and price you enjoy. Depending on how dirty my clothes are (I work pretty hard), I do two wash cycles then a rinse. So that's about 20-30 minute wash, then I fill again for a 5 minute rinse, that's up to you, but I think it gets my clothes clean. Make sure to keep the lids open after use so everything can dry! Everything is plastic so if my clothes were dirty enough to leave a ring, I just spray it out/wipe it down with some standard counter/bath cleaner, etc. This particular model is probably very fantastic for someone like myself: A very busy worker, wears uniforms all the time, t-shirt and underwear and socks heavy person. If you're some kind of fashionista or something like that, maybe you need a bigger or fancier one, but, if you're a loner, bachelor, single lady etc, this'll be good for you.

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Feature Product

  • CONVENIENT AND RELIABLE: This mini washer performs with the reliability of a professional grade machine, allowing you to wash and dry clothes at the same time with a separate washer and dryer
  • EASY OPERATION: Trust that the machine is washing your clothes thoroughly without having to watch, as the 15-minute timer, included drain hose, and water inlet hose allow for hassle-free operation
  • LARGE WASH/DRY CAPACITY: With a washer capacity of 10 to 12 pounds and a dryer capacity of 6 to 8 pounds, it's designed to accommodate all types of clothing, towels, and more
  • USE IT ANYWHERE: A compact yet functional design makes this washer/dryer combo perfect for apartments, dorm rooms, and small families
  • LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN: Conveniently move it from one room to the next with little effort; OVERALL DIMENSIONS: 23"(L) x 13.5"(W) x 28.75"(H); Washer Capacity: 10-12 lbs.


Skip the laundromat altogether with your own portable washer and dryer. This convenient combo makes washing and drying clothes a breeze, as both can be done simultaneously for quick yet efficient cleaning. A lightweight design makes it ideal for camping and countless other outings. With this mini washer, you'll never have a dirty clothing emergency.

Overall Dimensions: 23"(L) x 13.5"(W) x 28.75"(H)
Cord: 67"(L)
Drain Hose: 20"(L)
Water Inlet Hose: 47"(L)
Washer Capacity: 10-12 lbs.
Dryer Capacity: 6-8 lbs.
Weight: 28.7 lbs.
Material: Plastic, Steel
No assembly required


This portable washer has worked really well, now I’ve only done about 8 loads so far so hopefully it will last. Some tips on washing that I know I gleaned and learned on my own:
1. There are marks in the tub for large loads and such but very hard to read. Large is the top of the lint trap.
2. How much is 8 to 12 pounds of clothes? Well like any washer don’t stuff it, loosely fill it and don’t go above the lint trap. Also if you are washing towels or jeans don’t fill as full because these hold a lot of water and will be heavier wet. I’m 6 foot 3 so I only wash one pair of jeans at a time alone with a couple of shirts.
3. How much water? So you want to error on too much water than not enough because it helps the agitation, I found with a full load it took about 5 gallons of water to fill and give a good covering.
4. How much detergent to use? Well consider your normal large capacity washer is going to hold between 20 and 25 gallons of water and I indicated I use about 5 gallons so I use about ¼ of what I would use on a normal machine that goes for any other additives like borax or fabric softener. If you use too much soap you will likely end up doing an extra rinse.
5. The spin dryer is really just the spin cycle on a regular washer but honestly it extracts a lot more water than the normal spin cycle on a regular washer so hanging clothes to dry is so much nicer and if you have a regular dryer to use you want need to dry as long.
I know there are some people who think the price of this is too high bur consider for a moment that to a replace a motor an a standard washing machine the part alone costs about $150.00. This is also why you don’t want to overload this little machine because the motor can’t handle it. With all that said it did a very good job cleaning my clothes!

Best purchase I have ever made! I live in NYC and laundry costs either 3 hours at a potentially unsanitary laundromat or $50 per week for a wash. dry and fold service. For a $100 this thing has saved me HOURS in laundry and at least $300 in the past 2 months. It takes a minute to figure out the best setup, I keep it elevated on a blue bin and I bought a hand held shower-head to fill it up (the tubing is crap), my landlord hasn't noticed any increase in water use and it's fairly quiet, no neighbors have complained. SO WORTH IT!

Terrific little machine. Easy hook up. I purchased this for my disabled sister. She lives alone and stays at home . This let's her feel a little more independent . Easy for her reach knobs and remove clothes. Easy for her to keep it clean also.

This is the best investment I made. It works in my little condo and is a life saver. We have to go to a communal laundry and $3.00 a load is ridiculous. There are 3 adults that us e this machine and it gets our clothes clean. Definitively read the other reviews and watch the videos people have posted, in order to understand how it works. I placed mine in a closet on a sturdy rack and drain it into a is a bit labor intensive, but Its worth it. I love love love this mini washer.

I ended up selling this because we just go through too much laundry but it worked and got everything so clean it was crazy watching all the dirty water coming out in my bathtub where I drained it, it let me have control over how clean everything ended up.

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