Ok so this is a pretty quality dye brand. I have a pair of black jeans that were destroyed by fabric softener in the wash (the softener had settled into the wrinkles in the fabric)
I researched ways to fix the issue and came across this product.
I pre-soaked my jeans in cold water first.
Then, in a bucket I added 1.5 gallons of purified water, 1/2 cup of the Rit Dye, and 1 cup of salt. Then I lowered my pre-soaked jeans into the mixture. I let sit for 1hr but I stirred the jeans every 10 mins (for even coverage) pre-soaking is key to even coverage.
Then, I washed out all the dye after soaking and washed them on cold in the washing machine w/laundry detergent. Jeans came out great! The stains were almost gone. I waited a couple days and repeated the dye process. It worked even better! My jeans look like the true black they once were, and have no more stains.
It took 2 dye rounds but it was worth the work... the jeans are $80 and I spent $10 in total to fix them.
Used this dye to touch up some work pants that had faded, but weren't anywhere near the end of their useful life.
Pretty happy with it. Just follow the instructions on the back and you should be good to go. Keep in mind that this may not be appropriate for every fabric, so do a little research before buying.
Had some work jeans that had faded pretty bad. They look great again! Used one full bottle for two pairs of jeans and worked perfectly.
You've got to get this!!
I had a white shirt that had red juice spilled all over it. Instead of the hassle of treating it multiple times and possility of happening again, I got this.
I died my shirt to black, with a little help of YouTube for some extra instructions and with in a few hours it looked amazing!
I started going through my clothes to see what else I can use this for. Definitely turned my shirt a deep black and will always use this product.
Worked great on a pair of faded black jeans. Was a bit of a hassle to do but worth it saved me lots of money.

Feature Product
- Many Uses: For 100 years, customers have relied on Rit to rejuvenate old garments, change the color of their clothing and accessories, coordinate home decor, hide laundry accidents and more
- Custom Colors: Mix dyes to create more than 500 additional colors. Color recipes avaialble on the Rit website
- Ignite Your Creative Spirit: Create something custom and unique with an ombre, dip-dyed, shibori or tie-dye pattern
- What Will Rit Dye: Cotton, linen, silk, wool, ramie, rayon, nylon, wood, paper, cork, some plastic and fabric blends that do not contain more than 35% polyester. Does not dye 100% polyester, acetate or acrylic. Instead, use Rit DyeMore for Synthetic Fibers.
- How to Dye: Use Rit with a washing machine, plastic bucket, stainless steel sink or pot
RIT-Liquid Dye. Dye clothing and accessories; rejuvenate old garments; coordinate home decor; hide laundry accidents and more. Pre-dissolved liquid is also great as a stain on unfinished wood and wicker; or use to stencil or antique. Works on silk & dried floral; nylon and plastic; or even golf balls. This package contains one 8oz bottle. Made in USA.
I use this Rit dye to pep up faded black clothes. My son is obsessed with wearing black and he is picky. Rather than buy new clothes I run them through a black color dye and they are back to looking good. Wash them in cold only after dying and use the hottest water you can for dying. I personally just throw the clothes in the wash and pour the dye in it works well, and I have no problems with staining of the washer. I have done this in both top loading and front loading washers. This is a great way to get more value for your clothes dollar. For a black pair of jean type heavy fabric pants I would use one bottle per item. For smaller items (shirts) or cotton you can put two items in together. I use an extra long washing cycle when dying clothes.
Made dull pants look new again!! Saved lots of money!!!
So convenient to buy from Amazon, as it's hard to find in stores. Back to the product, I used it to dye a few pairs of pants. I had to follow the process two times for it to take, but the results were good.
Yay!! Followed the instructions on the back of the bottle, but used full bottle in 3 gallons of hot water. I had a pair of very dark blue jeans and I wasn't sure it would work but it did! they're completely black now and I love it!
Worked well with my black PF flyers damaged from the Sun and normal wear and tear. Followed online directions came out better than expected.

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